Thursday, November 02, 2006

POLITICS - Becoming a Human

From an article, "The Emergence of Intelligence" by William H. Calvin, Scientific American 2006

"The first sign that a baby is going to be a human being, and not a noisy pet, comes when he begins naming the world and demanding the stories that connect its parts."

"Once he knows the first of these he will instruct his teddy bear, enforce his worldview on victims in the sandlot, tell himself stories of what he is doing as he plays and forecast stories of what he will do when he grows up."

"He will keep track of the actions of others and relate deviations to the person in charge."

"He will want a story at bedtime."

- Kathryn Morton, writer

"Our abilities to plan gradually develop from childhood narratives and are a major foundation for ethical choices, as we imagine a course of action, imagine its effects on others and decide whether or not to do it."

Humm.... Did G.W. Bush ever learn this lesson?

If not, is he a human?



Anonymous said...

Humanity, the pitfall of animals.
Its when we forget that we are nothing more or less then the next person

Anonymous said...

Humanity, the pitfall of animals.
Its when we forget that we are nothing more or less then the next person

Shawn Lewis said...

No apparently not, there a lot things seems to have forgotten from childhood.