Friday, June 30, 2006

REALITY CHECK - Christians Don't Shoot Christians

The following comment caught my eye, time for a Reality Check.

"Town looks for answers in preacher's killing" by Ann O'Neill, CNN

"What would cause a Godly woman to do such a thing?" asked neighbor Sharon Everitt, echoing the question that has hung over the rural town since late March. "Christians don't shoot Christians."


  • Professed Christians are not shooting Christian doctors who work at "Abortion Clinics" aka Family Planing Clinics

  • Professed Christians, in the past, were not shooting Christians because they were black

  • In Kosovo "our" Christians were not "shooting" "their" Christians

  • ..etc.

Professing being a Christian does not automatically equal acting in a Christian manner. Christianity and its actions have a bloody history.

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