Tuesday, January 10, 2006

POLITICS - Bush Whitehouse, Makes No Mistakes

As many pundits and news articles have noted, the Bush Whitehouse acts as if they cannot make any mistakes. This is even if they fake admitting that they do, their actions do not match their words.

What this Whitehouse actually does is go after, and punish if they can, anyone who dares to disagree with them. And if the dissenter happens to be an insider, they will try to ruin you.

G. Bush has never been taught, or learned, that "to err is human." (I bet the latter since Bush Sr. did better) Or could it be he actually believes he is a demigod?


"All men are liable to error; and most men are, in many points, by passion or interest, under temptation to it."

"Knowledge being to be had only of visible and certain truth, error is not a fault of our knowledge, but a mistake of our judgment, giving assent to that which is not true."

John Locke (1632–1704), British philosopher


But it is the viciousness with which they try to silence dissent that should frighten us. They actually see nothing wrong in using tactics such as staged interviews, fake (hired by the Whitehouse) reporters, and downright slander, to get back at dissenters.

Then there's the policy of putting dissenters in caged-off areas well away from "public" speeches, as if dissenters are not included in "public."

According to this Whitehouse, if you disagree with their policies; you are unpatriotic, or committing treason, or anti arm forces, or a terrorist. Also, remember, according to this Whitehouse, that last label could get you whisked away to a prison in secret, without judicial review, and for a length of time of their choosing, and they don't care if you're an American citizen.

Bush and company must have flunked High School World History (or slept through it) if they don't see that the totalitarian governments of history have use the same reasons to maintain power....

  1. Control of the media (no dissent, no criticism of government policy)
  2. Jailing of persons they designate as "enemy of the people"
  3. Flag waving to rally the crowds and/or hand-picking them to ensure only friendly people attend


The Bush Whitehouse does not realize just how close they are to making the USA a totalitarian or fascist government.

God help us.

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