Monday, February 08, 2021

REPUBLICANS - Fault-Lines and Debate on the GOP Future

I've said this before, the GOP as we knew it is dead.  It has been infected by the Trump Virus and morphed into a radical, undemocratic, power-at-all-cost party.  And that is sad, very sad for America.

"Debate over one of their own opens new fault lines in Republican ranksPBS NewsHour 2/4/2021


SUMMARY:  The U.S. House of Representatives spent hours on Thursday in impassioned debate over the future of Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and her past statements espousing support for conspiracy theories and violence against lawmakers.  The issue has widened an already serious partisan divide and fractures within the Republican Party.  Congressional correspondent Lisa Desjardins reports.



"Sen. Bill Cassidy on Rep. Greene: ‘She’s part of the conspiracy cabal’PBS NewsHour 2/4/2021


SUMMARY:  Sen. Bill Cassidy, of Louisiana, is one of 10 Republicans to meet this week with President Biden about the administration's COVID relief bill, and one of only a handful of medical doctors serving in Congress.  He joins Judy Woodruff to discuss Biden's plan, former President Trump's impeachment trial and the future of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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