Monday, July 09, 2018

AMERICA - Our National Parks

"National Parks work to welcome more diverse Americans" PBS NewsHour 7/4/2018


SUMMARY:  The incredible views in America's national parks are seen largely by a specific demographic.  Visitors are overwhelmingly white, with just one in 10 being Hispanic and 7 percent African-American.  Special correspondent Tyler Fingert from the Cronkite School of Journalism reports on efforts to increase diversity among visitors as well as staff, and whether an admission price increase will keep people away.

"Cactus thieves and fossil robbers are taking treasures from the national parks" PBS NewsHour 7/5/2018


SUMMARY:  At Saguaro National Park, the namesake cactus is both the main attraction for hikers -- and thieves.  Special correspondent Tyler Fingert of the Cronkite School of Journalism at Arizona State University reports on how the problem is plaguing parks across the country, and depriving the public of its national treasures.

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