Monday, November 16, 2015

OPINION - Shields and Gerson 11/13/2015

"Shields and Gerson on Paris terror attack, Trump targeting Carson" PBS NewsHour 11/13/2015


SUMMARY:  What’s behind Sen. Bernie Sanders’ latest campaign tactics?  Lisa Desjardins reports, then syndicated columnist Mark Shields and Washington Post columnist Michael Gerson join Judy Woodruff to discuss the week’s news, including a terror attack in Paris, Donald Trump’s remarks against Republican front-runner Ben Carson and the emerging division on immigration among the GOP contenders.

JUDY WOODRUFF (NewsHour):  So, gentlemen, this is a fast-moving story.  Still very much that we — we know President Hollande has closed the borders of France.  He has called an emergency.

And, Mark, it’s a reminder that even though foreign policy, defense policy has not been front and center, I think, in the minds of most Americans, something can change in an instant.

MARK SHIELDS, syndicated columnist:  No question, Judy.

And there is a sense of shock, but an increasing awareness of vulnerability.  And I think that’s what — the reaction and understandable reaction is of most people, beyond the obvious sympathy and sense of outrage that the people have done it and the sympathy for those who are suffering.  But it does remind us of our vulnerability.

JUDY WOODRUFF:  And it’s clear at this point that President Obama and administration officials have said, Michael, there is no indication of an immediate threat to the United States, but, of course, that’s where your thinking goes.

MICHAEL GERSON, Washington Post:  Well, this is one of the strategies of al-Qaida-like organizations, spectacular attacks designed to demoralize countries.

This was true of the U.S., true in Britain in 2005 with the underground attack, and it’s true in France now.  But it doesn’t work.  It actually hardens resolve.  And, you know, France is playing an important role in the Middle East.  I think that they’re not going to be deterred from that.

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