Thursday, September 05, 2013

EDUCATION - What is the Real Purpose of College?

"Author Argues Colleges Focus More on Professional Training Than Transformation" PBS Newshour 9/4/2013


JUDY WOODRUFF (Newshour):  Tonight, we turn to the role of universities and explore a question getting plenty of attention amid concerns about student debt:  What is the real purpose of college?

Jeffrey Brown has our conversation.

JEFFREY BROWN (Newshour):  "If you want an education, the odds aren't with you," just one of many provocative lines from a new book exploring the contemporary university, very much including the most elite institutions and the lives of teachers and students.  It's called "Why Teach?:  In Defense of a Real Education."

Author Mark Edmundson is a professor of English at the University of Virginia, and he joins us now.


Anonymous said...

A real purpose of the college…I never could imagine that millions of young people will get to ask this question themselves after graduating high school. But here it is….The school is over, many are getting ready to final exams or to writing admission essays and still: does the college worth it? Do we need it at all? Why it is that necessary to have a diploma hanging on the wall to be considered a qualified financer or a carpenter. Why not experience and natural logic matters? Unfortunately, I do not have good satisfying answers to these questions and neither do the rest of students. One fact remains undeniable: even though college is a big privilege, it is still too difficult to find a decent job after you graduate it!

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