Monday, April 22, 2013

TECHNOLOGY - 'Crowdsourced Sleuthing' as Used in Boston Bombings

"Crowdsourced Sleuthing Offers Extra Eyes and Ears, Some Wrong Turns" PBS Newshour 4/19/2013


RAY SUAREZ (Newshour):  We now turn to the sophisticated tools law enforcement used to find the suspects, and how technology allowed crowdsourcing to become part of this major investigation.

We are joined by Richard Falkenrath of the Chertoff Group.  He's a former deputy homeland security adviser and special assistant to President Bush.  He is also a contributing editor at Bloomberg TV.  And Will Oremus, a staff writer for Slate and lead blogger for Future Tense, where he reports on emerging technologies, tech policy and digital culture.

Will Oremus, what is Reddit?  And how in this case did it become a tool for the use of law enforcement?

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