Tuesday, January 31, 2012

MEDIA - A Different Media Star

"Hans Rosling Brings Life, Humor, Sword-Swallowing to Global Health Statistics"
PBS Newshour 1/30/2012


RAY SUAREZ (Newshour): Can you almost feel when the lights are going on, when people are saying, aha?

DR. HANS ROSLING, Professor of International Health: Yes, we have.

But it's also -- you have to check after a year if it's still there. And the old concept of the Western world and developing world is very strong. And it's also because it's sort of frightening. People think it's frightening with this Asia and Africa here.

No, these are customers. These are partners. And prosperity in the rest of the world means more peace. The U.S. armed forces doesn't have to make so many interventions in the world if we have less conflict. So it's sort of a new vision about the world we must have.

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes
The Joy of Stats



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