Friday, August 05, 2011

FAMILY - Affordable Surrogacy for Infertile Couples

"'Made in India' Examines International Journey Through Surrogacy Process"
PBS Newshour 8/4/2011

Excerpt from transcript

BRIAN SWITZER, San Antonio, Texas: I started showing my co-workers the "Today Show" website. They got this section here called discuss. What do you think? And I thought, oh, well, let's see what everybody else thinks. And the first two started out very nice. You know, what's the legal status, you know, is there any immigration issues, things of that nature. And then it got ugly.

People started saying things like the use of surrogates is a disgusting and immoral practice to begin with, but then to farm it out like cheap labor to women in India, we should be disgusted and ashamed.

And then you get the, oh, hey, it's all about saving money, you know? What about adopting? There were more people telling us, you should have adopted. You should have adopted. Well, that's placing the entire orphan issue on the shoulders of infertile couples.

By their argument, anybody who has ever proactively tried to get pregnant together and succeeded and had their own children has robbed an orphan of a loving home, plain and simple. So don't place that burden on the infertile couples out there. And what kills me is everybody screaming about the surrogacy issue. Oh, it's a baby mill, you know, it's a puppy farm.

And it's not. I felt I had to defend Lisa and I, as well as every other non-Indian that's going to India to have this done.

So here's what I wrote to all these people that were just spewing this hateful talk: "The surrogates are well-compensated in line with their local economy. I have seen poverty unlike anything I could have imagined. And knowing what this process is going to do for the surrogate and her family in the long run makes me realize that this is a very good thing for all parties involved."

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