Wednesday, April 04, 2007

POLITICS - Another Example of Protecting America NOT

"Inspector Lists Computers With Atomic Secrets as Missing" by MATTHEW L. WALD, New York Times

WASHINGTON, March 30 — The office in charge of protecting American technical secrets about nuclear weapons from foreign spies is missing 20 desktop computers, at least 14 of which have been used for classified information, the Energy Department inspector general reported on Friday.

This is the 13th time in a little over four years that an audit has found that the department, whose national laboratories and factories do most of the work in designing and building nuclear warheads, has lost control over computers used in working on the bombs.

Aside from the computers it cannot find, the department is also using computers not listed in its inventory, and one computer listed as destroyed was in fact being used, the audit said.

Even though this MAY NOT be wholly blamed on the Bush Administration, this has been going on for years, and still no solutions? Still no one being tried and jailed for such breaches in security or not providing a security plan that actually works? For the most part, the same agency administrators still running the show?!

What is Bush waiting for? Until some terrorist (home-grown or foreign) sets off a dirty-bomb, or worst, in some city in America?

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