Monday, February 06, 2006

POLITICS - Wages as a Moral Issue

Now here's something from "Christians" that I actually can totally agree with. I am referring to an article "High Wages, Low Wages, and Morality" in The Cristian Science Monitor.

It starts with...

It's unusual for a controversial economic issue to be fought on moral grounds. But ACORN, a public advocacy group, has been winning a higher "living wage" for workers in state after state, city after city, by appealing to voters' sense of justice.

"It's probably the best [argument] we have," says Jen Kern, director of ACORN's Living Wage Resource Center. A decent income is a moral matter of "fairness," she says. Those who "play by the rules of the game should be able to support themselves by their work."
In the MonitorMonday, 02/06/06

"A job should keep you out of poverty, not keep you poor," agrees Paul Sherry, coordinator of the Let Justice Roll Living Wage Campaign, a church-based coalition in Cleveland seeking to raise low wages.

I really like Paul Sherry's quote, straight and to the point.

Of course today's Super-Conservative Right screams at the idea of a Living Wage. In affect they are saying that a worker should only earn what the corporate-world says they should earn. The "market" dictates the value of your work.

Humm.... so that's why top corporate officers get really, really big (some say obscene) salaries while their companies are reporting losses on the stock market. Meanwhile, the little guy gets to settle for jobs with salaries so low that many have to work 2 just to make the monthly bills.

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