Since the Republican Party lost power there has been a sudden concern about our national debt. The truth is Republican administrations have given us more than 75 percent of the national debt. Despite their accusations that Democrats tax and spend, the Republicans themselves have spent, borrowed and quadrupled earmarks.
Both of our senators and Rep. Phil Gingrey voted lockstep with the Bush administration to double our national debt and not one peep about deficit spending. Vice President Dick Cheney said the debt didn’t matter. To top it off they borrowed almost $1 trillion from China and the like to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and oil companies.
The Tea Party said it wants to cut taxes and spending but neither they nor legislators fueling the outcry specify what they will cut. Now the Tea Party wants to return to these same idiotic economic policies by voting Republican. This administration is saddled by the foolish economic policies of the previous administration along with two unpaid-for wars forcing the current deficit. We barely avoided a disastrous depression. Democrats have always been fiscally more responsible than Republicans and were the only party in the last 30 years to have a surplus. At least they have the sense to pay the bills instead of borrowing.
It’s time to vote for responsible government instead of a party that will buy your vote with the promise of tax cuts and deeper deficits only to funnel more money to the 5 percent of Americans they represent.
The answer Wayne, the Republicans are sleazebags. Unfortunately they are VERY good convincing rightfully angry voters that they are not at fault, AND that Obama and the Democrats had a whole 2yrs to fix our economy. The economy the Republicans took 8yrs to sink.
Yap, really good idea to put Republicans back in charge.... NOT!